
Download BavAR[t]!

BavAR[t] est un jeu mobile en réalité augmentée disponible pour Androïd et iOS.
  • BavAR[t] est un jeu mobile en réalité augmentée disponible pour Androïd et iOS.
    A mobile game!

    Location-based, the application offers to capture artworks in AR near the player.
    There is bound to be one near you!

  • À chaque oeuvre d'art capturée, le jeu mobile BavAR[t] vous permet de collecter des points.
    Collect points!

    For each artwork (called AR[t] on the application) captured,
    the player collects points!

    Download the app now!
  • Les points gagnés sur l'application BavAR[t] sont ensuite échangeables contre des bons culturels: place de cinéma, musée, théâtre, réductions et plus encore!
    Win cultural goods!

    The player can then exchange his points for cultural vouchers!
    Movie tickets, museum admission, discounts, exclusive access to events,
    BavAR[t] gives you a new access to art and culture!

Art, Culture and Augmented Reality

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The founding idea of BavAR[t] is to democratize access to culture, by spreading art in augmented reality everywhere!

Spread art and culture


A true Pokémon'Go of art and culture, BavAR[t] offers a map of augmented reality experiences to be experienced near you. BavAR[t] offers a mechanic similar to the famous game where players capture small Japanese monsters, except that the player is collecting virtual artworks. For each captured artwork, players are collecting points that can then be exchanged for vouchers for cultural products, such as tickets to a museum or a concert.

A collaborative app!

Collaborative, BavAR[t] also gives the opportunity to museums and cultural industries to present their own works on the platform, so that they can easily offers an augmented reality experience to their visitors. The application is also open to all artists, 2D or 3D: they can also upload their works themselves, directly via the application, and upload their works at the location of their choice on our map!

The founding idea

The founding idea of BavAR[t] is to democratize access to culture through the playful side of the application that can break down certain barriers. BavAR[t] allows to spread art everywhere, and not only in big cities: national and local museums can enhance their content, and above all, reach audiences very different from those they are used to. A democratization of art by the ludification and the use of new technologies.

BavAR[t] spreads art everywhere! Capture the artworks near you, and win cultural vouchers!
BavAR[t] is a collaborative app: users can also upload their own content and quickly create their augmented reality experience!
BavAR[t] also references street art on its map. Users can also reference works easily!
BavAR[t] spreads art everywhere! Capture the artworks near you, and win cultural vouchers!
BavAR[t] is a collaborative app: users can also upload their own content and quickly create their augmented reality experience!
BavAR[t] also references street art on its map. Users can also reference works easily!
Discover art & culture!

3 Types of content, for everyone!


3D creations

3D creations, resulting from modelling or photogrammetry.


The "Swipes" : 2D in augmented reality

A 3D frame directly embeds images that can be scrolled!


Street art

Street artworks are easily referenced and can be referenced by players. And as a bonus, a 3D of our collection pop up in augmented reality.



Swipe to discover all functionalities!


Exchanging points for
cultural offers


Dropping your creations
into our map


Creating your own augmented
reality experience


Offering to the players
Cultural offers


of the player


Visualizing artwork
in Augmented Reality


Capturing artworks
to see them again and again


Collecting points
for each capture!


Exchanging points for
cultural offers


Dropping your creations
into our map


Creating your own augmented
reality experience


Offering to the players
Cultural offers


of the player


Visualizing artwork
in Augmented Reality


Capturing artworks
to see them again and again


Collecting points
for each capture!

Les points collectés sur BavAR[t] sont ensuite échangeables contre des bons culturels.
Partagez vos créations en réalité augmentée sur BavAR[t]! Vous pouvez déposer du contenu 2D ou 3D.
Intégrez ultra-rapidement vos propres créations en réalité augmentée!
Proposez vos bons culturels sur BavAR[t] et touchez un nouveau public!
BavAR[t] géolocalise le joueur et lui propose de découvrir de l'art en réalité augmentée près de lui.
BavAR[t] offre la possibilité de voir des oeuvres d'art en réalité augmentée, n'importe où dans le monde!
Sur BavAR[t], vous pouvez capturez des oeuvres d'art géolocalisées, et les revoir ensuite quand vous voulez et où vous voulez!
À chaque oeuvre d'art visualisée sur l'application BavAR[t], le joueur gagne un ou plusieurs points AR[t]!
Les points collectés sur BavAR[t] sont ensuite échangeables contre des bons culturels.
Partagez vos créations en réalité augmentée sur BavAR[t]! Vous pouvez déposer du contenu 2D ou 3D.
Intégrez ultra-rapidement vos propres créations en réalité augmentée!
Proposez vos bons culturels sur BavAR[t] et touchez un nouveau public!
BavAR[t] géolocalise le joueur et lui propose de découvrir de l'art en réalité augmentée près de lui.
BavAR[t] offre la possibilité de voir des oeuvres d'art en réalité augmentée, n'importe où dans le monde!

They are supporting us

Our projects

BavAR[t] News!

Journées Européennes du patrimoine, 2022

Revisiting Art at Necker Hospital

Revisiting art: a workshop for children offering a playful introduction to art history. 15 artworks, masterpieces of art history, remixed in "cartoon" mode, with a touch of humor :) The whole experience comes with a quiz booklet, where the children learn more about the original work and can answer playful and educational questions. We have deployed this workshop in collaboration with the association Hop We Care at the children's hospital Necker, in Paris.

Learn more!
September, 2022

Treasure hunt at La Citadelle de Marseille!

Treasure hunt in augmented reality at La Citadelle de Marseille!! About thirty artworks to capture in the citadel, during the European Heritage days at the Citadel. Re-discovering heritage in a playful way!